how to date in a post-dating world : a thank you

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Diane Mapes for writing this book. Not only was it full of hilarious dating accounts (some of which I can absolutely relate to), it was also full of great advice. She touches on my biggest complaints about today's dating scene like the general lack of manners and common decency and the emotional saboteurs... (all are unbelievably, sadly, commonplace). It a very relevant field guide-of-sorts to dating. I particularly loved the "Red Flag Department" list of archetypes. So funny (and true).

Living in New York β€” and my life in general β€” is pretty damn sweet. Not to mention so much fun. It is. Some have even said, enviable. So falling madly in love would just be the icing on that cake. But the reality is, dating here is as tough as it is fun. It was so refreshing to read a book that sees the humor in it all. Not only that, it was a good reality check. I think every single, dating person out there, regardless of your orientation, should read this book – particularly men.

With that, I wish all the lovers out there a Happy Valentine's Day.